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Clean The Fleet

Your fleet easily can be the most valuable asset your company has. Carlavo's Truck and Bus Fleet Wash Systems make sure your vehicles are sparkling clean. 

Heavy Duty Wash

With both friction and touchless options, Carlavo's Truck and Bus Wash Systems are designed to clean even the dirtiest of vehicles without damage or harm. Innovative safety features also protect your vehicles and wash from user error or external forces.

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Transit Drive-Thru Friction Wash

The Transit Wash by Belanger is a severe-duty large vehicle wash designed to deliver a powerful clean to large vehicles with a soft touch. This equipment is designed with the needs of mass transit, public transportation, and other fleets in mind. The Transit Wash is build to deliver millions of reliable wash cycles in just 2-3 minutes each. This equipment is highly configurable custom to the needs of each transit system you are operating. 

V-Max Touchless Wash System


As a severe-duty touchless wash, the Belanger V-Max is built to deliver millions of reliable wash cycles, cleaning vehicles of all shapes and sizes in just 3-6 minutes each. Its 100% damage-free design provides safe cleaning of every vehicle surface, including attachments like ladder racks and light bars. The V-Max can fit any vehicle in your fleet, from work trucks to transit buses - even Gradalls, dump trucks, and backhoes.

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